Thursday, January 8, 2009

Worth a Thousand Words Thursday

This is me & the hubs on January 1st...suffering with a hangover, as I have explained before, I wasn't dead, just out & red bull: it's a terrible/wonderful thing.

He claims I actually begged God to stop the upchucking in return for never drinking again...

1.) this SO does not sound like me

2.) my rule: If you can't remember it happening, IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!

Besides that little misadventure, it hit me that I got married at 18 and we have been married 18 and a half this means I have lived with THE MAN, longer than I lived with my Mom & Dad, that is so weird!

You can all Thank Jen over at Cheaper Than Therapy for Thousand Words Thursdays.


  1. Wow what a concept, i'm turning 36 next month and I've known Hubby since I was 18!! Same thing, although we've only been married 13years this year!

    Vodka and redbull huh?! ouch.

  2. Vodka and Redbull..holy crap!!! You are braver than me:) Nice photo and interesting thought. I am 48, so my husband would have to trade me in for two 24 year olds to get his money's worth!

  3. Not brave, it just felt so goo, I was totally oblivious that I was actually drunk off my @ss! hahah, that is until I stumpled out of the club at 5am! Then it HIT me! who would want 2 /24 year olds (most men!)!

  4. Hangovers are no fun when you actually have to get up and do things the next day, I learned this recently.

  5. Happy ATWT! Thanks for sharing.

  6. I like your rule #2. Works for me! Happy ATWT!

  7. Yee-ouch! I've never tried Vodka & Red Bull, and now I never will.
    Sweet picture!
    (I'm visiting you from Jen's Cheaper Than Therapy.)


I love you Darling, really! Thank you!